Category: Uncategorized

Leaning Towards Lean

We wanted to share with you Lean Methodology ideas our developer Adam Love has been helping us at Square 205 implement in various ways across our application development processes. These are a collection of experiences and experiments to highlight the insights he has gained from Lean. In my experience creating apps, there have been features […]

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6 Crucial Practices to Build Trust for Your Online Store

Building trust with your customers is an important investment for your brand. Once broken, customer trust is irretrievable. Customers need to feel that they are being listened to and supported, and that’s before they even agree to spend their hard-earned cash with you. Don’t lose sight of your customers – make sure you always have […]

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6 Social Media Tools Your Content Strategy is Missing

Social media is ever-changing and can be insanely difficult to keep up with, especially if you’re managing multiple accounts for your business. When should you post? What should you post? How do you find content? There are countless questions. Luckily, there are many tools that can help strengthen your social media content strategy. While all […]

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Google Search Engine Marketing In A Nutshell

Ever wondered if you’re missing out on Google’s search advertising features? It can be really discouraging to put so much effort into your branding and website and not receive the amount of traffic that you had hoped for all because your website it not being seen by the right people. Well, Google AdWords is here […]

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Super Digital Marketing Techniques the Big Game Taught Us

Every year at the beginning of February we gather around our TVs with food, friends, and beer to watch the biggest sporting event of the year. While some people tune in for the actual football game, a lot of us tune in for the real entertainment: Super Bowl commercials. These last few years, however, major […]

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10 Unforgettable Designs From 2016

Twenty-Sixteen was another great year for Square 205’s design team, and a great year overall in the design world. There have been many creative ideas from print to the web, and we’ve taken notice. We’re constantly looking for new inspiration for our own projects, and often discover amazing design work in the process. Therefore, we […]

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Launching a New App: Five Marketing and Distribution Steps to Take First

This week we received guest blog from Joel Lee, the SEO marketing specialist at Trumpia. Joel wrote this blog about marketing and distribution strategies one should use when launching an app, and we couldn’t agree more with everything he said! Launching a New App: Five Marketing and Distribution Steps to Take First Having a great […]

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The Pets of Square 205

Square 205 is a digital creative agency full of awesome people, but our pets are even cooler. If you’ve ever stopped by our office, you have likely been greeted by one (or more) of our furry friends. As a gift from our family to yours this holiday season, here are some adorable pictures and profiles […]

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Designing with Dyslexia

Sum see leters and numerals mov and jump off the page while reedeeng, some eqwate it to the type exsisting in 3D space, wile others smply say spelling and reedeeng r slow, paneful proseses. Many people in the world have dyslexia, many more have at least heard of it. There is no way to explain […]

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How to Improve eCommerce Sales this Holiday Shopping Season

The day after Thanksgiving, shoppers were filled with turkey and ready to move forward with their post-food coma tradition: Black Friday shopping. In the past, people would leave home before dawn and wait in endless lines to get the best deals. Crowds, hecticness, and everything you would typically hate when shopping on a busy day, […]

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