Category: UI/UX


Designing Event Websites

All events, no matter the industry, need a professionally designed website. An event’s website design can have a significant impact to the success of your event, especially when you’re looking to build a solid following of fans to convert into ticket sales year after year. That is where lucky designers like myself come in to […]

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Designing with Dyslexia

Sum see leters and numerals mov and jump off the page while reedeeng, some eqwate it to the type exsisting in 3D space, wile others smply say spelling and reedeeng r slow, paneful proseses. Many people in the world have dyslexia, many more have at least heard of it. There is no way to explain […]

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Introduction to UX Design

Think about your favorite mobile app. What do you like most about it? Is it easy to use? Are you able to do something easier and faster than with anything else? How about your favorite online store? Do you like how easy it is to find the product in the configuration that you’re looking for? […]

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7 Website & UI Design Trends for 2016

We take a lot of pride in our design work. A pride we don’t take lightly. It was manufactured by countless hours building designs for websites, apps, motion graphics, and print as well as a dedication to find what inspires us in life. Weekly, we read blogs, follow other designer’s work, learn about fashion, and […]

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Top 10 Must Dos For A Successful ECommerce User Experience

With the holidays quickly approaching, many of us will head to our favorite online shopping websites to buy some if not all our gifts. We may even be tempted to click an ad for a new up and coming eCommerce site advertising a crazy good deal. The question though is, will a good deal keep […]

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Why use illustration in web design?

Illustration has been an art form and design element that’s been around since the beginning of forever. The Technique has evolved over the years, from cave walls, to print, and of course, now to the web. So why is this illustration technique so popular in web design? Well, with an illustration, so much more is […]

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DIY Websites vs. Professional Web Design – Which Is Better?

Today’s businesses market themselves through the internet.  The goal is to make a unique, stand-out website that draws people to their products and/or services.  One can use either a Do-It-Yourself web design company like Wix or 1&1, or a custom design company such as Square 205 or NoFavorite. Think of DIY web design like a […]

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Responsive Website Design – How it Changes the Game

From iPad to desktop, and smartphone to Netbook, the number of internet ready devices continues to increase. Web designers are working hard to keep up with the standards needed to display content consistently across all these devices.  The popular news source, TIME, recently launched a first for the industry, a fully responsive website design which […]

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